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More and more courtrooms are turning to Digital Recording as a way to preserve the record for legal proceedings. FITZSIMMONS REPORTING can provide professional audio transcription for Hearings, EUO's, interviews and other formal forums.

We can handle large volume transcription for all types of events including:


Broker Investigations


FTR (For the Record)

Court proceedings


ZOOM meetings





In our continuing effort to provide our clients with effective and economical services, Fitzsimmons Reporting can provide you, your associates and your clients with dramatic savings in time, hassles and the high cost of traveling…all without sacrificing the importance of face-to-face communication.     


We have combined the best available technology with an affiliation of a global network  of public video conference centers, the Legal Videoconference Network, to provide you with a high quality, convenient and economical alternative to "BEING THERE".   


Saving time, travel; Fitzsimmons reporting; court reporters NJ; Livingston; conference; NJ reporter
Video Streaming2; Court Reporting; Fitzsimmons Reporting; videoconference; NJ; Livingston
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